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Famiglia Cooperativa

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News from Famiglia Cooperativa

Famiglia Cooperativa Vallate Solandre is a big family composed of  more than 2700 members distributed in the communities of: Cavizzana, Caldes and Terzolas in the Lower Valle di Sole, Mezzana, Pellizzano and Vermiglio in the Upper Valle di Sole, Pracorno, San Bernardo and Piazzola in Valle di Rabbi.

We will regularly update you on the number and the distribution of our members in the Valleys of Rabbi and Sole. We like to think that a large family like ours, scattered over a wide territory, is always updated on the growing number of members who continue to be part of it and make it a thriving ever-growing community.

To this purpose we remind you that cooperative members must be at least 18 years old and must fill the application form&, available in our stores. By becoming a member you have access to a number of benefits offered by our cooperative, the most important one being the possibility to be part of mutual exchanges and projects.

This means that, under the same conditions and without discrimination, all members have equal rights to enjoy the benefits deriving from their membership, in relation to goods or services provided by the cooperative, or the job opportunities it is able to offer.

A further recognition of your value as a member is represented by refunds given to reward the contribution of members in the generation of profits.
This practice was started in 2008 and has meant an economic advantage for the members, proportional to their loyalty and fidelity, of € 314,552.00.

FaLang translation system by Faboba
  • Per tutti i soci e clienti La Famiglia Cooperativa Vallate Solandre offre un servizio in più..." la consegna gratuita della spesa a domicilio". Inoltre la vostra spesa può essere ordinata anche telefonicamente.
  • Nel punto vendita di Piazzola recentemente ristrutturato, per dare continuità ad una tradizione storica ed ormai unica in trentino è stato riammodernato anche lo spaccio bar al servizio dei soci, dove in compagnia possono bere un bicchiere di vino, o gustarsi comodamente un panino ben imbottito. Lo spaccio è funzionante in concomitanza agli orari di apertura del negozio.
  • CAFFÈ BONTADI SFUSO Acquistabile in tre diverse miscele per soddisfare i gusti di tutti i palati.
    Miscela di caffè 70% arabica e 30% robusta, dal gusto forte e intenso e dalla crema compatta. Miscela di caffè 85% arabica e 15% robusta, dall'aroma morbido e dolce e dalla crema persistente. Miscela di caffè 100% arabica, dai toni decisi e dal gusto finissimo.
  • With this "economic miracle" which also implies responding to people's needs and expectations, we testify our distinctive business approach, and the application of article 45 of our statute, where the important social impact of cooperation is fully acknowledged.
  • The success of Famiglia Cooperativa Vallate Solandre comes from having clearly defined our role and mission and from highlighting our peculiarities, such as the importance we give to exchanges and collaboration between members based on mutual trust, and the collaboration we have encouraged between all the promoters our community's greater good.
  • Famiglia Cooperativa Vallate Solandre is committed to being a GOOD cooperative enterprise, combining efficiency and social responsibility through a qualified product selection in the nine stores and through projects aimed at building the GREATER GOOD.
  • Our Famiglia Cooperativa aims at assisting and serving the smallest and peripheral communities, a real challenge to the laws of economics according to which this should be unsustainable. Just like a hornet that, because of its own weight, should not be able to fly based on the laws of physics and still... it flies.


On October 6, 2013 we inaugurated the "CASA COOPERATIVA" of Piazzola di Rabbi...
Yes, just like that, a room dedicated to cooperation that represents a specific project...
Famiglia Cooperativa is present in the area with 4 community stores...

Famiglia Cooperativa has dedicated a small plot...